
  • Tips For Choosing Exterior Lighting

    The right lighting outside of your home can accomplish several goals. From a functionality perspective, you want the right lights on your deck and porch if you enjoy sitting in these areas after dark. Visually, the right lights at the front of your home can add curb appeal, which can especially be something you want if you host a lot of gatherings. Finally, outdoor lights can also add a security-focused element, which is important.
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  • 4 Reasons to Consider Upgrading Your Locks in Your Home

    If you're looking to make positive changes to your home, you may be wondering what projects to consider working on. Adding new locks to your home is one way you can improve the look and feel as well as your home's safety. It's easier than you might think to make these kinds of changes to your home. Keep reading to better understand the reasons as to why you should consider upgrading the locks in your home.
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  • 5 Tips For Purifying The Air In Your Home

    One of the top ways to help you feel your best is having high-quality air in your home. This may require a bit of effort on your part to achieve, but it is sure to be worthwhile. Take the time to learn some tips for helping you achieve cleaner air. Tip #1: Use a dehumidifier The air may get extremely dry in your house during the winter months, and using a dehumidifier is a great way to bring more moisture into your home while also giving you higher quality of air.
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  • Creating A Family-Friendly Living Room For You And Your Children

    Your living room is where you and your children gather to spend time, watch movies, or play. Choosing the right furniture can help to make this room look beautiful, and it can also make your life a bit easier in some cases. Here are some items to consider if you are hoping to give your living room a new look while making it easier to care for in a house full of little ones.
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  • Granite Countertops: Some Considerations

    Once you see beautifully laid granite countertops in someone's kitchen, you may want them for your own house. When you're ready to make this dream a reality, you might find yourself surprised to discover just how many issues need to be thought about and decided upon before the project will be done. Be aware of considerations like those below before you start renovating your kitchen. The Slabs You'll Have Your eyes may enjoy lingering over the sample slabs in a showroom, but avoid disappointment by ensuring that you're as delighted with the slabs which will arrive at your address.
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  • No Cactus Necessary: Cottage Garden Appeal With Xeriscape Techniques

    If the vision for your new home's landscaping involves lush flower beds and cottage garden style pizzazz, you might be surprised to hear your landscaping specialist suggest xeriscaping. Don't worry, your initial reaction will likely be familiar to the landscaper. After all, when the term xeriscaping started gaining public recognition it was often accompanied by pictures of rock gardens, cactus plants and gray-green shrubs in beds covered with crushed stone mulch.
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