
  • What To Do If Your Garage Door Spring Breaks

    Is your garage door spring broken? You probably didn't even know until you tried to get your car out of the garage and the door wouldn't open. You might have heard a loud banging or crashing noise from somewhere in the house, but houses make a lot of noises that can't be readily identified. It is not surprising if you ignored it. Most people would do the same. But now you are facing a broken garage door spring and your car is in the garage.
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  • Repair Or Replace: How To Tell When It's Time For New Windows

    Sometimes, it's easy to tell when you need new windows in your home. For example, if they're busted, missing, or filled with cracks as big as the Grand Canyon, it's probably a good idea to sort out some replacement windows, STAT, unless you like the idea of woodland creatures having easy access to the interior of your home. However, it's not always easy to tell if you need your windows replaced completely, or if you can just get away with having them repaired.
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  • Five Myths About Clothes Moths

    Imagine it's the morning of a big meeting at work, and you reach for your favorite suit. Further imagine the shock and disgust you feel when you find it peppered with tiny holes; if you suspect moths did the damage, then you are probably right. Clothing moths cause literally millions of dollars worth of destruction to clothing and other home textiles such as furniture and bedding. However, there are a lot of misconceptions about moths, and these hinder efforts to prevent or eradicate infestation.
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