No Cactus Necessary: Cottage Garden Appeal With Xeriscape Techniques

Posted on: 14 July 2016
If the vision for your new home's landscaping involves lush flower beds and cottage garden style pizzazz, you might be surprised to hear your landscaping specialist suggest xeriscaping. Don't worry, your initial reaction will likely be familiar to the landscaper. After all, when the term xeriscaping started gaining public recognition it was often accompanied by pictures of rock gardens, cactus plants and gray-green shrubs in beds covered with crushed stone mulch.
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5 Tips for Window Treatments in a Humid Room

Posted on: 13 May 2016
Whether you are decorating a conservatory that needs window covers to help keep warmth inside during the winter or a bathroom that needs privacy curtains, you may be wondering what concerns you should have when choosing window treatments for a humid area of your house. Below are five tips for picking stylish window treatments that will stand up to a humid environment.  1. Be Aware of Condensation  Condensation forms on the inside of windows when the internal temperature of your house is higher than the exterior temperature.
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Cosmetic Issue Or Something Serious? The 101 On Nail Pops In Your Drywall

Posted on: 11 December 2015
Owning a home can be stressful. From the various financial concerns to the different tasks you need to complete each year to maintain its appeal and function, it is easy to see the challenges of being a homeowner. While surprising to learn, many serious issues go unnoticed and unrepaired due to homeowner misunderstanding. Considering nail pops in drywall are common problems, you may not place much emphasis on these raised wall imperfections.
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Four Common Causes For Icy Air Conditioners

Posted on: 26 October 2015
If your air conditioning unit is covered in ice and frost, that's a sign that there's something wrong with the unit. A frozen air conditioner won't cool efficiently, if at all. Ice accumulation in the air conditioner can even cause damage to the compressor inside. With so many internal components, there are a number of things that can cause problems like this. Here's a look at some of the most common sources of air conditioner freezing and tips to deal with them.
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