Cosmetic Issue Or Something Serious? The 101 On Nail Pops In Your Drywall
Owning a home can be stressful. From the various financial concerns to the different tasks you need to complete each year to maintain its appeal and function, it is easy to see the challenges of being a homeowner. While surprising to learn, many serious issues go unnoticed and unrepaired due to homeowner misunderstanding. Considering nail pops in drywall are common problems, you may not place much emphasis on these raised wall imperfections.
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Four Common Causes For Icy Air Conditioners
If your air conditioning unit is covered in ice and frost, that's a sign that there's something wrong with the unit. A frozen air conditioner won't cool efficiently, if at all. Ice accumulation in the air conditioner can even cause damage to the compressor inside. With so many internal components, there are a number of things that can cause problems like this. Here's a look at some of the most common sources of air conditioner freezing and tips to deal with them.
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3 Water Softener Maintenance Tips
If your clothes are coming out of the wash dingy, or if your water bill is slowly creeping upward each month, you may be having problems with hard water in your home. Water softeners can reduce soap scum buildup on dishes and skin and protect your pipes from calcium deposits. However, like any other appliance, water softeners require regular maintenance to operate efficiently. Here are three tips that can help you keep your water softener in good shape.
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The Mice Are Gone, But Did They Leave You Sick?
Mice infestations are ubiquitous to this country. Mice are 10-20 times more likely to take up residence in your home than rats, because they require such small entryways. These infestations are increasingly common. For example, the Twin Cities saw a 40% increase in mice infestations last fall. This summer, Philadelphia had the most mouse sightings in a study that surveyed many large cities; 20% of homes there experienced infestations. Large numbers of mice were also reported in Baltimore and Boston.
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4 Things Homeowners Need To Know About Alternating Bed Septic Systems
More than 26 million American housing units are connected to a private septic system instead of a municipal sewer system. Since your septic system is buried underground, you may only have a vague understanding of how it works, and you may not know that there is more than one type of septic system, some better than others. An alternating bed septic system may be a better choice for your household; here's what you need to know.
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5 Summer Drapery Ideas To Keep Your Home Looking And Feeling Cool
With summer starting, it is time to put away your winter draperies and try out some hot, new styles in your home. Changing your curtains during summer can make your home brighter, keep it cooler, or just give you a way to express yourself. If you need some inspiration to get started, consider one of these five ideas. Cafe Curtains Cafe curtains are a great option when you need a little bit of street-level privacy but still want to allow the summer sun into your home.
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3 Tips For Moving Home With Your Cat
Moving home can be a difficult and stressful time for everyone involved. However, oftentimes people overlook the effect of moving home on their household pets. Cats are often more domesticated than dogs, and as such can be more troublesome to relocate. As such, here are three tips on helping your cat during these big changes. Put Your Cat's Safety First The stress and anxiety that moving home brings can lead you to become distracted.
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What To Do If Your Garage Door Spring Breaks
Is your garage door spring broken? You probably didn't even know until you tried to get your car out of the garage and the door wouldn't open. You might have heard a loud banging or crashing noise from somewhere in the house, but houses make a lot of noises that can't be readily identified. It is not surprising if you ignored it. Most people would do the same. But now you are facing a broken garage door spring and your car is in the garage.
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Tips And Tricks To Care For Wooden Blinds
If you have a rustic home, then you likely want all of your furniture items and accessories to match the style of your residence. If you need to keep the hot summer sun from cascading through your windows, then you want your blinds to fit in with everything else. Wooden blinds can be a great option for you, but you need to care for them properly. Follow the tips below to make sure your wooden blinds remain in great shape for years to come.
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Repair Or Replace: How To Tell When It's Time For New Windows
Sometimes, it's easy to tell when you need new windows in your home. For example, if they're busted, missing, or filled with cracks as big as the Grand Canyon, it's probably a good idea to sort out some replacement windows, STAT, unless you like the idea of woodland creatures having easy access to the interior of your home. However, it's not always easy to tell if you need your windows replaced completely, or if you can just get away with having them repaired.
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